Ask Amma

Bathrooms Accessible in Every Situation (BABIES) Act

In News & Notes on 7 October 2016 at 8:00 pm

Bathrooms Accessible in Every Situation (BABIES) Act

It is crazy that we need an Act to ensure that bathrooms are accessible in every situation but let it not be said that Obama just ignored the need as so many presidents before him.  Just in the nick of time too.  Thanks to his timely action, the men save face and can be satisfied that it did not need to wait for a woman president to make sure that they had a place to change babies diapers in public restrooms.

Obama and Baby aren't seeing eye to eye

Situation?  Obama and Baby aren’t seeing eye to eye …or maybe one of them’s gotta GO.

You know what else is crazy?  BABIES as an acronym for BAIES or really BAES though it is obvious that they cooked up the name of the Act so that they could call it BABIES.  Every situation?  As in, “we’re having a situation here?”  If they really wanted to they could have called it Bathrooms Accessible (Barack) in Every Situation so that between this and Affordable Care we have the President’s full name on two important acts.  Maybe he has time to pass one more good one and get his middle name on there too – now that would be a coup!

Back to the BABIES Act, here it is:


 All Bill Information (Except Text)

There is one summary for H.R.5147. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.

Shown Here:
Introduced in House (04/29/2016)

Bathrooms Accessible in Every Situation (BABIES) Act

This bill requires male and female restrooms in a public building to be equipped with baby changing facilities that the General Services Administration determines are physically safe, sanitary, and appropriate.

Such requirement shall be subject to any reasonable accommodations that may be made for individuals in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Such requirement shall be inapplicable to a restroom in a public building that: (1) is not available for public use, or (2) contains clear and conspicuous signage indicating where a male or female restroom is located within the same section or corridor of such building.

Obama on the floor playing with a baby.

Obama on the floor playing with a baby.


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